Quarter of a million spent by Welsh Govt staff on train journeys
A Freedom Of Information Request by Janet Finch-Saunders has revealed that more than a quarter of a million pounds was claimed by Welsh Government staff last year in travel expenses.
However, the figures do not include mileage claims or taxis – information which has also been requested by Welsh Conservatives.
The total claim – £268,202.49 – relates to almost 7,000 claims by Welsh Government staff in 2015/16; the highest of which was £516, for a series of train journeys between Bristol and Cardiff.
Aberconwy AM, Janet Finch-Saunders, who submitted the FOI, said:
“This could be the tip of the iceberg, as this sum would be much higher once taxis and mileage are taken into consideration.
“Having spent millions of pounds rolling out new IT and video conferencing equipment in recent years, I’m sure the public would like to see these figures going down in future.
“Labour ministers need to instil a culture in which the value of every pound taxpayers’ money spent is considered before purchases are made.
“For example, twentieth century technology allows meetings to be conducted virtually, eradicating the need for many face-to-face visits.”
The FOI is available on the disclosure log – HERE.