The sham that is an RCT Cabinet Meeting

RCT's Labour Cabinet will meet today to "discuss" a range of issues including a cares strategy and the Mountain Ash link road.

The meeting will as usual be open to the public, and as is also usual, will be a complete sham. There will be no debate or discussion, simply a few pre written lines and a nod through of decisions already made.

Take for example the very welcome investment in schools. £2million to be shared amongst schools across the County for a range of improvements. This was announced in the press last week. Would they really have announced it with such aplomb if they were not going ahead with it, if it were not already a done deal?

Of course this is not new, as we reported two years ago, the Cabinet hold "confidential" meetings prior to the public ones with identical agendas. As we said then there is no problem with Cabinet Members meeting to discuss issues in private, but please stop this pretence that decisions are actually made at open meetings.

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