Conservatives pledge that an Independent NHS Performance Unit would set targets in Wales

A Welsh Conservative Government would establish an Independent NHS Performance Unit, with responsibility for setting sensible targets for the health service.

The Unit would work with both patients and clinicians, to set targets which are respected by them both.

The commitment has been announced by Shadow Health Minister, Darren Millar AM, at a Policy Forum for Wales, exploring priorities for the future of health and social care policy in Wales.

Shadow Health Minister Darren Millar has warned that NHS targets should not be a “political football”, but should instead provide confidence and clarity to both service-users and professionals.

Speaking at the event, Mr Millar said:

“Our NHS needs targets which patients, and clinicians, believe in. We need targets and measurements which paint a true picture of performance.

“Targets in the health service should not be a political football. They should be a genuine tool used to scrutinise performance, and give confidence to both patients and professionals.

“I’m proud to announce that one of the first actions of a Welsh Conservative Government would be to establish an Independent NHS Performance Unit.

“This would have responsibility for setting sensible targets for the health service which are backed and developed – crucially – by both patients and clinicians.”

Wales’ Shadow Health Minister will also attack the approach of Labour Minister’s to target-setting, adding:

“The Welsh Government's response has, on occasion, been to move the goalposts – by changing targets or to amend the way performance is monitored and measured. They’ve even blamed Health Boards, telling them to pull their socks up – while imposing record-breaking cuts to budgets.

“That’s not responsible. We must never shy away from monitoring performance.”

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