
Letter to the Editor


Dear Sir or Madam,

March is Prostate Cancer Awareness month, and I would be grateful if you could help raise awareness of this disease with your readers and draw attention to the support that Macmillan can offer.


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Welsh men – around 17,000 men in Wales are currently living with this type of cancer.

Macmillan Cancer Support in Wales is encouraging men to get to know the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer. The earlier that prostate cancer is found, the more likely it is to be successfully treated.


Knowing what changes to look for could make a real difference, and men are advised to see their doctor if they have any of these symptoms:


·         difficulty starting to pee

·         a weak flow of pee

·         urgently needing to pee

·         needing to pee often, especially at night

Men aged over 50, or who are of African-Caribbean or African origin, or have a father or brother who has had prostate cancer, are considered to be at a higher risk.


If you have any questions about cancer talk to our Support Line on 0808 808 0000 (open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm) or visit our website www.macmillan.org.uk for information and support.


Yours faithfully,



Susan Morris


Head of Services

Macmillan Cancer Support


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