
The Agile Nation 2 Project

Chwarae Teg, the charity that works to help women in Wales achieve and prosper, is now delivering Agile Nation 2 the successor to the highly successful Agile Nation project which ran from 2008 to 2014. The European Social Fund and Welsh Government funded Agile Nation 2 project is running between 2015 and 2018, to provide a career development programme to 2,750 women, and a business programme to 500 small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) across Wales.

The Agile Nation 2 project is offering women the chance to participate in a comprehensive fully funded career development programme. This has been designed to help them gain the skills, confidence and knowledge needed to effectively progress their career journeys.

It is ideally suited to women who are looking to gain their first supervisory or management positions and offers a number highly valuable benefits. These benefits include working with a dedicated People Development Partner, to create a personal career action plan, and goes on to provide accredited leadership and management training that culminates in an Institute of Leadership and Management qualification.

The Agile Nation 2 Programme is also working across Wales with small to medium sized businesses operating in the nine priority sectors and in total 500 will take part in the Business Programme.

Depending on the needs of the business our experience Employer Partners can provide support around; recruitment practices, staff retention, adopting modern working practices along with equality and diversity.

Agile Nation 2 is being delivered across Wales to eligible women and businesses who are working in one of the nine priority sectors. Further information on how to apply can be found at: www.agilenation2.org.uk

If you have any questions about Agile Nation 2 the team can be contacted on 0300 365 0445 / [email protected].

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