New campaign encourages parents to ‘Give it time
The Welsh Government has launched a new parenting campaign giving advice on how to manage children’s behaviour in a positive way, and tips on how to reduce the stress out of everyday family activities.
Parenting: Give it time is encouraging parents to use praise and rewards rather than harsh punishments, as this is more likely to have a positive effect on behaviour.
The campaign also looks at how parents can take care of their own wellbeing, so they are better able to cope with the everyday pressures of being a parent.
The campaign was officially launched on 20 November by Lesley Griffiths AM, Minster for Communities and Tackling Poverty.
The campaign will promote positive approaches to raising children in a number of different ways:
Advert: Look out for the advert on social media, Sky Ads, S4C Primary Times and (after Christmas) outside supermarkets. You can watch the advert on Youtube or on the website.
Website: A dedicated website will provide information, advice and signposts to further sources of support. You can view the website at and
Booklets: Content from the website will be used to produce booklets on positive parenting.