First Minister must disown McDonnell’s “dangerous” plans to disarm the police and shut down MI5

It has emerged that Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, signed an open letter calling for MI5 to be disbanded, and for Britain’s police to be disarmed, despite earlier denials.


The “dangerous” letter was organised by the Socialist Network as part of their campaign for a Labour victory during the General Election earlier this year.


The Welsh Conservatives have called on First Minister, Carwyn Jones, to disown the dangerous beliefs and make it clear that his party in Wales do not support plans to disarm police.


Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies, said:


“It’s quite remarkable that Labour now has a Shadow Chancellor who has called for MI5 to be disbanded, and for all police to be disarmed.


“This is the man they’ve put forward to run the UK economy; it’s quite staggering.


“On the day that Jeremy Corbyn visited Wales for the first time as Labour Leader, both he and Labour’s First Minister must make it clear that they do not endorse McDonnell’s dangerous beliefs.


“It’s clear that Labour poses a very serious risk to the security of people right across Wales.”

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