
UKIP condemns the decision of Assembly Members to vote through £10,000 pay hike

UKIP condemns the decision of the majority of the Welsh Assembly parties to vote through the £10,000 pay hike contained in the Welsh Government budget. This would take average backbench pay up to £64,000, which is more than three times the median wage in Wales.

A UKIP Wales spokesperson commented:

“Yet again, we see an out-of-touch Cardiff Bay political class feathering its own nest. It is an insult to the many low-paid people they represent.

“At a time when most people in Wales are having to tighten their belts, it is deeply inappropriate  for politicians to be voting for their own pay rise of 18%, involving a budget increase of £1.1 million to cover the cost of an extra £10,000 for each backbench AM. UKIP believes that Assembly Member salary rises should have been set at a maximum of 1%, in line with the rest of the public sector. In next year’s Assembly election campaign, we will be promoting the redirection of all budget increases into frontline health and education services, not into the pockets of politicians.”

AMs who voted for the pay rise:(http://www.senedd.assembly.wales/documents/b10010/Votes%20Summary%20Wednesday%2011-Nov-2015%2013.30%20Plenary.pdf?T=9 )

No one from Labour, Plaid Cymru nor the Conservatives voted against the measures.

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