
Plaid Cymru halts Labour’s local government reforms

People of Wales will decide future local government

Plaid Cymru has stopped Labour from forcing through its centralisation agenda for Welsh local government without a mandate.

Concessions secured by Plaid Cymru mean no work will be able to start on implementing reforms until after the next Welsh election – allowing people to choose which party’s vision they wish to see delivered after May.

It means Plaid Cymru’s vision to retain 22 Local Authorities working together as combined regional authorities would be possible should the party form the next Welsh Government.

Plaid Cymru’s demands also mean the next Welsh Government can introduce fairer voting systems at local government level, such as STV.

Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood said:

“Plaid Cymru has stopped Labour from enforcing their map for local government reorganisation through the back door before plans are put to people. Large scale changes to Local Government structures should not be decided by politicians with no mandate but should be decided by people in an election.

“The demands made by Plaid Cymru will mean that all parties can present their individual proposals in their manifestos and seek a mandate to implement them, without being bound by the current government’s preferences.

“It will allow a Plaid Cymru government to implement the changes that we want to see to the structure of Local Government, by retaining the existing 22 Local Authorities making them work together as combined regional authorities.

“Plaid Cymru has also ensured that we will have the ability to introduce proportional representation for local councils to allow for fairer voting systems like STV.

“The Party of Wales has acted in the best interests of the people of Wales, giving them the say on how they want their local councils to be elected and structured in future and halting the centralisation plans of Labour. We now seek a mandate for our proposals for localism and empowering Wales’ communities in the election to the National Assembly next May.”

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