Alzheimer’s Society comment on The King’s Fund review of NHS performance frameworks
Following a commission by the Department of Health, The King's Fund have today (Monday 12 October) published a review on how the performance of local health systems could be assessed.
Measuring the performance of local health systems: a review for the Department of Health, looks at how to measure the performance of health services within clinical commissioning group (CCG) areas, including how well these services work with social care and public health services. The review recommends a radical simplification and alignment of existing NHS performance frameworks.
George McNamara, Head of Policy at Alzheimer's Society said:
'We need a simple, accessible framework to boost performance, accountability and transparency for patients. It is right that dementia indicators are part of this and it is important there is a clear understanding of its purpose and how it is intended to drive up standards, as well as better information about the level of care they can expect in their area.
'Assessing the current performance is only the first stage, providing support and necessary resources to bring all areas up to that of the best is also necessary to ensure that it has the desired impact and that in itself will be the biggest challenge.
'There is huge scope for improvement of existing websites with varying content and formats that are not easy for the public to access or comprehend. We recommend producing a single website for all information intended for public use.'
Further information
The full review, Measuring the performance of local health systems: a review for the Department of Health, is available here: