Could you represent your community in the Fire and Rescue Service?

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service is looking to increase the diversity of its workforce to better reflect the communities it serves. With that aim in mind, we are calling upon people from specific communities to come along to one of our Positive Action days at our Cardiff Gate Training and Development Centre on 4th and 5th of September.

Andrew Thomas, Assistant Chief Fire Officer said, “We are particularly interested in hearing from members of our communities who may not presently see themselves reflected in the make-up of our workforce. This would include members of our black and ethnic minority communities, members of our LGBT communities, females and Welsh speakers. We hope that individuals from these under-represented communities will take this opportunity to register for our Positive Action days, and come along on the 4th or 5th of September to find out more about what the job of a modern day Firefighter involves.”

Individuals from these communities who are interested in attending one of the Positive Action days should register their interest by contacting the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service recruitment team on 01443 232200.

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