Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB help us with exceptional demand for our services and staff

Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB help us with exceptional demand for our services and staff

CTMUHB currently has exceptional demand on our services and staff. Help us by following these five steps:

1.  Use NHS services wisely. Get advice for treating certain illnesses and injuries at home via the NHS 111 service. For common ailments or medication out of hours, visit a pharmacy. Only visit A&E in an emergency; the NHS is extremely busy so if you end up visiting an emergency department with a less serious illness or injury, it’s likely you’ll wait a long time to be seen as we treat those with urgent and life-threatening health issues.

2.  Follow the advice and reduce the spread of illness. When you visit an NHS setting you’ll be asked to take certain steps to reduce the spread of illnesses, such as washing your hands or using hand sanitiser. They may seem like small things, but they make a big difference.

3.  Providing care to patients in the right setting. Staying in a acute hospital bed when you no longer need to be there is not good for your recovery and can actually lead to your health deteriorating. As soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so we will aim to transfer you out of an acute hospital bed and into a more suitable setting, where you can continue with your recovery and receive specialist care from community-based teams. Not only is the best thing for your health, it also ensures acute hospital beds are available for those with the most serious illnesses and injuries.

If you have a loved one who is currently in one of our large hospitals (RGH, PCH or POW) but could be better cared for in a different setting in the community, we may contact you to let you know the patient is being transferred. Please support our staff to provide the best possible care to your loved-one by following their advice and helping us to make the transfer smoothly and swiftly.

4.  Get vaccinated! If you’re eligible for vaccinations against flu or COVID don’t miss out. Getting vaccinated is the single most effective thing you can do to prevent yourself becoming ill and suffering the worst effects of these viruses.

5.  Visit responsibly. Cases of flu, COVID, and illnesses like Norovirus (the winter vomiting bug) are on the increase. These viruses can be dangerous for vulnerable patients in hospitals, and can cause staff shortages. If you think you have a virus, or have recently spent time with someone who has a virus, avoid visiting a hospital unless absolutely necessary.

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