Cancer patients diagnosed and cured through the award-winning Lung Health Check pilot

Cancer patients diagnosed and cured through the award-winning Lung Health Check pilot

Two Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board patients have successfully been treated for lung cancer as part of a free lung health check offered to residents in North Rhondda.

The lung heath check pilot – a first in Wales – was launched by CTM UHB last autumn. The pilot was set up in collaboration with the National Strategic Clinical Network for Cancer and aims to detect the early stages of lung cancer, before there are any signs or symptoms.

Since the pilot began in August 2023, over 500 people who smoke or smoked in the past have undergone a low-dose CT screening scan. All of the invitations for the pilot have now been sent and the learning from this will inform the planning work that is now underway reviewing how a national programme could be introduced across Wales in the future.

Angela and Phil, both smokers for over 50 years, were diagnosed with lung cancer which was picked up through the health check last autumn. Both are now cancer-free and will go into CTM’s five-year monitoring programme.

Having already given up smoking earlier in 2023 and suffering with asthma and COPD, Angela had no hesitations to have the initial scan after receiving the invitation letter. She explained: “The scanner was easy to find and everything was explained clearly. I think everyone should be available for it [the lung health check]; I didn’t even know I had cancer, I was lucky because it was caught early. I had quite a bad cough and cold symptoms for over a month, but I just put this down to my asthma.”

Phil expressed his gratitude for being a part of the pilot: “This check has saved my life – I had no symptoms and wouldn’t have gone anywhere for a check because I didn’t know anything was wrong. The NHS has been brilliant, the treatment was quick, and I really can’t fault them. I also used the Help Me Quit smoking service which was great. After my diagnosis I had stopped smoking within 6 – 8 weeks.”

The pilot was also recognised for its success at the 2024 Moondance Cancer Awards – Wales’ only dedicated cancer awards. The Moondance Cancer Awards aim to celebrate and spotlight individuals and teams across NHS Wales and its partners who deliver, lead and innovate cancer services. The Lung Health Check Operational Pilot for Wales won in the Early Detection and Diagnosis category.

More information on the awards can be found on the Moondance Cancer Initiative website.

Dr Sinan Eccles, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine said: “I’m delighted with the progress and success of the pilot so far. Most importantly, we have been able to find and treat cancers which may not have otherwise been detected for some time. As well as being able to potentially save patients’ lives, to have the pilot recognised nationally in the Moondance Cancer Awards is fantastic.”

Evaluation of the pilot is already underway, informing Wales’s plans for a future lung cancer screening programme. A pair of evaluation reports are planned to be delivered to the National Strategic Clinical Network for Cancer in September 2024 and March 2025.

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The pilot programme was supported by the following organisations:

  • Tenovus Cancer Care
  • Moondance Cancer Initiative
  • Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Limited (BMS)
  • Roche Products Ltd
  • MSD (Merck Sharp Dohme (UK) Limited)
  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited
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