Lowri Impey, a paediatric nurse based at Turtle and Octopus ward at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board’s Prince Charles Hospital, has created an under-the-sea themed artwork made from recycled plastic IV medication caps.
The artwork, which took around 18 months to create, is made from over 1500 iv medication caps. It includes a turtle, an octopus and a seashell – representing the new names for the paediatric department wards.
Lowri completed her training during the COVID-19 pandemic, and was inspired to make the piece after seeing a video of an ITU nurse that had saved the IV caps from their patients to create a collage to remember the pressure that COVID-19 had put on NHS. To create the picture different types of medications had been used as the glass vials have different coloured tops.
Lowri said: “I was inspired to do something similar and collect the IV caps for the medication I had given. Each year Turtle and Octopus wards care for hundreds of children and families, each cap represents a time a child has been given medication intravenously by a nurse. Some of these medications are life changing and by having a picture to remind staff and others that the care the NHS provides.
“If you look carefully you can see that there is a full circle on the turtle shell pattern. This is to represent the fact that the care we provide is continuous, we all work as one team. Additionally, in the artwork there are multiple levels and depth to create a perspective of being in the ocean. Even though there are layers which cannot be seen, it doesn’t mean that they are not important. This is the same as all members of the paediatric team, from nursing staff, doctors, students, admin staff, housekeepers and catering. All members have an impact on ourchildren and their families.
“Repurposing these medication caps has prevented them from being thrown away. CTM aims to reduce our carbon footprint using the 5 R’s (Refine, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose & Recycle). By repurposing one small thing within the paediatric area, I have helped to reduce plastic waste that could end up in the ocean and effecting sea life.
“Since the artwork has been public there have been positive reviews. Some people have been stunned by the fact that something mundane as a plastic cap can be used to make something this creative.”