
Labour shows further disregard for Welsh farmers

Labour shows further disregard for Welsh farmers

Responding to a written question response from Labour’s Rural Affairs Minister, Samuel Kurtz MS, Shadow Rural Affairs Minister, said:

“It is unacceptable that Labour can introduce post-movement test without any consideration of the financial impact on farmers.

“Once again Labour shows that they dictate to, rather than work with, our farmers and rural communities, showing little regard for the financial or mental health impact of their policies.

“The Labour Government’s TB Eradication policy has been an abject failure and Welsh farmers have frankly had enough of a Cardiff-based government detached from the realities of rural Wales

Responding to the comments made by Abi Reader, Deputy President NFU Cymru, Welsh

Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, Samuel Kurtz MS, said:

“Labour’s failure of our farmers started long before the SFS. From Bovine TB, NVZs and derogatory comments from Labour politicians about farming, it’s little wonder that a scheme which could cost 5,500 rural jobs and wipe nearly £200 million off the Welsh economy sees farmers say ‘Enough is enough’.

“Farmers are rightly angry and frustrated at the cumulative impact all these policies have on an industry that Wales should be immensely proud of.

“I’ve always said that farming needs a friend, and that friend can only be found in the Welsh Conservatives, who will always stand shoulder to shoulder with Wales’ farmers.”

Welsh First Minister (FM) Mark Drakeford has been blasted for showing ’astonishing disregard’ towards the farming community.

Also, Welsh Labour Schools cuts come at the worst possible time

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