Labour minister: ‘We don’t know what we’re doing on the economy’

Commenting ahead of the Labour Welsh Government budget, which is due to be published on Tuesday 19th December, Welsh Conservative Leader Andrew RT Davies MS said:
The Labour Welsh Government has £3.5 billion extra to spend on public services compared to England and what do we see for it? Longest NHS waiting lists with some people waiting three years, education results falling down the international league tables and more people out of work than the rest of the UK.
We know that governments can solve the issues that matter most to people. A quick look across the border and you can see the UK Government successfully tackling the longest waits, with two years waits down to hundreds whilst thousands wait in Wales.
The budget today will hold no surprises from this failing Labour Government with millions being wasted on vanity projects creating more politicians, fiddling with the constitution and slowing down the economy.
A Welsh Conservative Government would right Labour’s wrongs. We’d reverse the real terms cuts to the Welsh NHS and Welsh schools, spending every penny the government receives for health on health. We’d prioritise areas that kickstart growth in the Welsh economy getting people back into work.
Labour are distracted by changes at the top but we all know that it’ll be more of the same from the last 25 years of Labour running Wales.