Residents urged to help shape policing in their communities

Residents urged to help shape policing in their communities

Residents across the South Wales Police area are being asked to help shape policing in their communities as we launch a South Wales-wide public consultation.

The initiative will see local officers and PCSOs visiting homes and engaging with people in communities over the coming weeks and months. The consultation will give residents an opportunity to highlight the issues they feel police should be tackling.

The officers and PCSOs will also be encouraging residents to sign up to South Wales Listens a new FREE email messaging service that helps us keep in touch with you. By signing up to South Wales Listens you will receive updates about policing matters in your local area and you will also be able to liaise directly with local officers and PCSOs.

Superintendent Tony Williams said:

“The consultation and South Wales Listens gives residents the chance to tell us what matters most to them in their local community. It could be that anti-social behaviour is worrying you, or perhaps you have information to pass on about drug dealing or other issues.

“We want and value your feedback and we will use it not only to shape policing priorities in each neighbourhood but we will contact you with updates as to what action we have taken.”

Please note our officers and PCSOs will be in uniform and displaying their identification or warrant cards, which you are urged to check. They will be carrying out the surveys on their mobile devices. The data gathered will not be shared with any other organisation and will only be used to help shape policing priorities.

Sign up to South Wales Listens

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