Bus hub with no buses a £3m waste

Bus hub with no buses a £3m waste

Commenting on the news that a councillor has called a £3m transport hub with no bus service “a waste of public money”. Welsh Conservative Shadow Transport Minister, Natasha Asghar MS, said:

“I cannot say I’m surprised at the ridiculousness of this situation from a Labour council. For them to blow £3m at a time when councils are pleading poverty, is unacceptable but sadly also very typical from Labour in Wales.

Like Labour’s overall transport plans for Wales, money is being thrown at projects with little oversight and a definitive lack of long-term planning.

“After continuing to cut funding for bus services in Wales, punishing motorists and commuters with their costly blanket 20mph speed limits and now spending £ 3 million on a transport hub that isn’t being used is nothing short of irresponsible and highlights that Labour are happy to blow Welsh taxpayer’s money whilst caring little for working families in Wales simply trying to get to and from work.”

 Image Credit: Jaggery

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