
Social care guide to controlling acute respiratory infections from Winter 2023/24

Social care guide to controlling acute respiratory infections from Winter 2023/24

The social care guidance on the approach to respiratory viruses has been updated to provide a quick reference summary of the latest policies impacting the care sector as we move into Winter 2023/24.

The guidance includes an overview on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), testing, isolation & cohorting, and visiting, and is available on the Welsh Government website. 

The guidance includes a summary of the advice in relation to a number of scenarios including where there is no evidence of infection in adult care homes or in the homes of those receiving domiciliary care, where there is one incidence of infection, or where there is an outbreak where two or more individuals becoming infected.

We will continue to keep our guidance under review and continue to closely monitor case rates of COVID-19, emerging variants, and other respiratory infections.

For further information, you can contact: SocialCareCoordination@gov.wales.

New eLearning module for annual Flu/COVID-19 One Programme released

This module contains information about flu (influenza) and COVID-19 (the diseases and the vaccinations) for care providers. 

To access the course, please log in to Learning@Wales (nhs.wales), If you do not have a login, contact eateb@wales.nhs.uk with your name, job title and place of work to gain access to this module. 

Social Care Wales launched a new ‘fitness to practise well-being support’ programme

The program includes useful information and videos about what to expect from the fitness-to-practice process. Including support for those involved in a fitness to practise investigation. 

To find out more, please visit Social Care Wales website

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