
What is your opinion on the future of Aberdare Town Centre?

What is your opinion on the future of Aberdare Town Centre?

Time to Act: Rethink the Future of Aberdare Town Centre

Our towns and village centres are at a critical juncture. With many residents favouring out-of-town and internet shopping, areas are falling into a state of disrepair. Now is the time to act, to rethink, and to invest in the future of Aberdare Town Centre.

Have Your Say on Aberdare’s Future

The draft Aberdare Town Centre Strategy is now open for public consultation, and residents are urged to participate. This strategy outlines a vision for the future of Aberdare, setting several goals and outcomes, and proposing areas for future investment.

The public consultation began on Monday, August 7, and will run until Monday, September 18. Residents can view the consultation materials online via the RCT Let’s Talk engagement website, or request paper copies at Aberdare Library.

Attend a Public Event

Six public events have been scheduled, and residents are welcome to attend at any point during the times listed:

  • Aberdare Library – Tuesday, August 8 (10am-1pm)
  • Hirwaun Library – Thursday, August 10 (10am-1pm)
  • Sobell Leisure Centre, Aberdare – Tuesday, August 15 (4pm-7pm)
  • Cynon Linc, Aberdare – Thursday, August 17 (10am-1pm)
  • Llwydcoed Community Centre – Tuesday, September 12 (10am-1pm)
  • Asda Cwmbach (trailer) – Thursday, September 14 (10am-1pm)

Officers will be available to discuss the draft Strategy at all six events, and no prior booking is required.

A Blueprint for Future Investment

Councillor Mark Norris, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity, emphasised the importance of public participation: “The more people who participate, the more informed decisions we can make when planning future investment, to improve Aberdare as an attractive town centre and visitor destination.”

The draft Strategy aims to build upon Aberdare’s unique heritage and strategic location, creating a more vibrant and attractive destination. Its strategic objectives include improving sustainability, maximizing the use of town centre sites, enhancing public safety, supporting business development, and improving the town’s overall appearance.

Six investment themes have been proposed to deliver these objectives, including redeveloping existing buildings, enhancing the town’s identity, improving walking/cycling routes, enhancing open spaces, and exploring local partnerships.

Time to Act

The challenges facing Aberdare’s town centre are significant, but there’s much to be optimistic about. Recent investments, upcoming improvements to rail services, and potential new developments like the repurposing of the Rock Grounds site offer hope.

But the future of Aberdare depends on you. Whether online or in-person, your voice matters. Let’s come together as a community to shape the future of our town. Let’s act now to ensure that Aberdare remains a vibrant, dynamic, and attractive destination for generations to come.

Click here to participate in the online survey and learn more about the draft Aberdare Town Centre Strategy.

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