
New clinical leadership programmes completed

New clinical leadership programmes completed

Four clinical leaders in CTM UHB are amongst the first cohort in Wales to complete the New Advanced Clinical Leadership programme delivered by Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW).  Dr Jonathan Arthur, Lisa Love-Gould, Dr Mohamed Elnasharty and Dr Alex Brown entered the programme in September 2022.

The programme is underpinned by compassionate leadership theory and aims to develop a cohort of highly skilled and ambitious multi-professional clinicians and to equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to assume prominent senior leadership positions within NHS Wales.

Challenged physically and mentally

The programme took place over a standard academic year and included a residential event in mid-Wales where teams were challenged physically and mentally. The purpose was to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience that pushed participants to their limits, whilst fostering teamwork, resilience and problem-solving abilities.

Successful completion involved attendance at all 15 learning days including the residential event. In addition, they completed a service improvement project, which involved completing a critically reflective piece, preparing a poster presentation and delivering an oral presentation to peers and tutors.  

The second cohort is currently in progress and HEIW will shortly be advertising for further cohorts.

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