The fundraising committee that raised money to help build Macmillan Cancer Unit in Prince Charles Hospital thanked for four decades of support
From left to right Patrice Walkley, Rhianydd Jones, Linda Pearce and Julie Meek
Every penny raised in Merthyr stays in Merthyr
Members of the Macmillan Merthyr Tydfil Fundraising Committee have been presented with a recognition award at the Macmillan Cancer Unit in Prince Charles Hospital.
The committee which formed in 1982 has raised more than £1.25 million to help people in their local community who are living with cancer and the devastating impact that a cancer diagnosis may bring.
In the early days, the committee focussed on raising funds to help build the Macmillan Cancer Unit in Prince Charles Hospital. The unit opened in June 2010 and has a large open treatment area that enables people in the local area to receive their cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and other treatments in a place that is accessible and convenient.
The unit often removes the need for expensive and time-consuming travel for treatments in Cardiff.
The committee are proud to say that every penny raised in Merthyr stays in Merthyr and now the money they raise helps to fund Macmillan clinical, financial, and emotional support services available to patients at the unit.
After the presentation inside the unit from Rhianydd Jones (Clinical Lead), committee members – Linda Pearce (Chair), Julie Meek and Patrice Walkley planted a white, scented Macmillan rosebush in the Macmillan Garden beside the cancer unit. The garden is tended by volunteers from the local Rotary Club.
From left to right Julie Meek, Patrice Walkley and Linda Pearce in the Macmillan Garden at the Macmillan Unit, Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil
Speaking about visiting the Macmillan Unit to receive the framed recognition award, Linda Pearce, Chair of the committee, said: “We are so pleased to be here today for the unveiling of the award and the planting of the commemorative rose in recognition of our 40 years of fundraising for cancer patients in Merthyr Tydfil
“The local Macmillan team includes specialist nurses, a physiotherapist, a dietitian, a pharmacist, and a benefits advisor. The Macmillan Cancer Unit here at Prince Charles Hospital has proved a great success; with services being continually enhanced and we are extremely grateful to our local supporters for their generous donations.“Sadly, our founder member Mari Davies was unwell in September last year and unable to attend the celebrations held to commemorate our 40th anniversary. Mari passed away in October 2022, but I know she would have loved to be here today for this. We hope that we as a committee can continue to do what she started and do her proud. She has been an inspiration.
Rhianydd Jones
Rhianydd Jones, Clinical Lead, SACT Outreach Service at the Macmillan Cancer Unit presented the recognition award to the committee members. Speaking about the difference that the unit makes to the lives of cancer patients in the local area, Rhianydd, said: “It’s difficult to put into words just what a difference the Macmillan Cancer Unit in Merthyr makes to people receiving cancer treatment.
“Patients know the unit, and it makes a huge difference to their lives on a daily basis. Some patients may only have treatment once every six weeks whilst other patients are having treatment every week.“Weekly treatment may result in two appointments for a patient. One for their bloods and one for treatment, plus there is a consultation with their medical team. The unit also has consultation rooms where outpatient clinics can take place between the patient and their oncology team. That fact that all of this can take place in the unit often prevents patients from having to make long journeys to other hospitals.
“Cancer treatment services based in a local community make a huge difference to the experience of patients. The Cancer Improvement Plan advocates treatment closer to home, and this unit delivers that strategy. It makes such a difference to the patients living in this area, and without the money raised by this wonderful charity, the story would be very different.”Speaking about the years of dedicated fundraising by the committee, Nicola Newhams, Macmillan Relationship Fundraising Manager, said: “The committee have been working so hard for more than forty years now, and in that time, they will have raised more than £1.25 million for Macmillan – which is absolutely incredible.
“It is the money raised by the committee and supported so wonderfully by the people of Merthyr that has made it possible for the unit to be built.“On behalf of Macmillan, I’d like to say a huge, huge, thank you.
“I know that the recognition award is going to be on display at the Macmillan Cancer Unit, which I think is really fitting. It is where it belongs.”If you would like to find out more or donate to the Macmillan Merthyr Tydfil Fundraising Committee, please visit Merthyr Tydfil Committee: Macmillan committees online ( or keep up with their latest news on their Facebook page Macmillan cancer support Merthyr Tydfil fundraising committee | Facebook.
If you have been inspired to volunteer for Macmillan and would like to find out further information about the many different opportunities, please visit Volunteering | Macmillan Cancer Support