Do Welsh farmers get more money to plant trees than produce food?

Do Welsh farmers get more money to plant trees than produce food?

The Welsh Government is calling on all farmers in Wales to help tackle the climate emergency by planting trees as higher payment rates for woodland creation are confirmed today.

Commenting on the news, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, Sam Kurtz MS, Said:

“I’m pleased to see the Rural Affairs Minister mention ‘the right tree, in the right place’. Tree planting certainly has an integral part to play, but shouldn’t be seen as a silver bullet and nor should the farmer’s first priority, producing high quality, environmentally friendly food, be bumped down the agenda. 

“The devil will be in the detail with this policy, to ensure it’s deliverable, beneficial and financially viable for Wales’ farmers.” 

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Commenting on the news, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Janet Finch-Saunders MS, Said:

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