
Labour Government Failing on sewage dumping

Labour Government Failing on sewage dumping

Commenting on Surfers Against Sewage holding weekend protests this weekend, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Janet Finch-Saunders MS said:

Janet Finch-Saunders

“With nearly a quarter of all sewage discharges in the whole of England and Wales being in Wales, the Labour Government’s track record on sewage is abysmal.

“Wales sees 600,000 hours of dumping into our waterways every year, with Welsh rivers making up six of the top 20 rivers in England and Wales for the overall highest number of sewage dumps.

“The UK Government’s storm overflows discharge reduction plan outlines strict targets on water companies, yet in Wales the Labour Government still haven’t published their much-needed storm overflow report. Despite people in Wales facing significantly increased water bills, Labour continues to turn a blind eye to sewage being dumped in Wales.”

Overdevelopment into an outdated sewer system leads to polluted rivers and increases flood risk


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