
Labour must take action on child services

Labour must take action on child services

There are currently 32 reviews in progress regarding children in Wales who have died or been severely hurt due to abuse or neglect.

Commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Social Services, Gareth Davies MS said:

“Since 2017, the most child practice reviews published in Wales was 10, roll-on 2023 and this is now 32. This clearly shows something is severely wrong with child welfare in Wales.

“Regretfully, in Wales there have been too many headlines dominated by tragic and preventable deaths of abused and neglected children. The Labour Government in Wales must take urgent action to ensure children are protected and we don’t see these preventable cases occur again.

“It’s clear more than ever that we need a Wales-wide review of children’s services in Wales. Wales is the only UK nation not undertaking one, whilst having the UK’s highest rate of looked-after children.”

Image by  Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

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