Give Blood And Help Save Lives In RCT

Local residents are being called upon to help patients in need by giving blood with the Welsh Blood Service.

Donations are still needed daily by hospitals to treat patients with a range of conditions, including mothers and babies during childbirth; cancer patients receiving chemotherapy as part of their treatment; and by patients involved in emergencies.

The Welsh Blood Service has also experienced a sustained period of high demand from hospitals as they continue to reintroduce services such as routine operations that require blood products. This increase means more blood donors are needed to help meet these additional needs.

Councillor Maureen Webber, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Council Business, said: “We are delighted to continue supporting Welsh Blood Service and their recruitment drive across our County Borough. Last month alone, 541 potentially lifesaving donations were made in Rhondda Cynon Taf.

“The Service relies totally on the generosity of people living in Wales to provide vital donations to patients. By giving up just one hour of your time, you have a unique opportunity to make a difference to people in your community and beyond.”

One donation has multiple uses as it can be split into three products red cells, platelets and fresh-frozen plasma, meaning one donation can save or improve up to three adults or six babies’ lives. 

Book your RCT appointment online today

Across Rhondda Cynon Taf, over 250 donations of blood and blood products are needed each month to provide care to patients at The Royal Glamorgan Hospital.

Appointments are available at four locations – Dare Community Sports Hall, Aberdare, Rhondda Fach Sports Centre, Ferndale, Heritage Park Hotel, Pontypridd and The Welsh Wound Innovation Centre, Talbot Green.

Alan Prosser, Welsh Blood Service Director, said: “Every day around 350 donations are needed to help the 20 hospitals in Wales we supply, including the Royal Glamorgan Hospital. 

“We have always had great support from our donors in the area but we are urging more residents to consider becoming blood donors and supporting patients in need. 

“We have managed to increase our capacity in the area and are hoping this will help make it easier for people to donate. 

“We are particularly calling on existing O negative, O positive and A positive donors to come forward, but if you are a new donor and don’t know your blood type don’t worry, please sign up and we’ll do that bit for you.”

Book a lifesaving donation at or call 0800 252 266 today.

Posted on 18/07/2022
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