An update on wearing a face mask in Cwm Taf hospitals

Welsh Government announced late Friday (May 27), that from this week (May 30 onwards) it is no longer a legal requirement for visitors, patients or staff to wear masks or face coverings when entering our sites.

There are some areas of our hospitals where we will ask and encourage you to wear a face mask in order to protect our patients. 

They are as follows:

  • If you are visiting a patient who is known to have, or suspected of having COVID-19
  • If you are visiting a patient with a respiratory infection
  • If you are visiting a patient who is at high risk of infection or remains at a higher risk of acquiring COVID-19 (immunosuppressed patients
  • If you are attending any of our Emergency Departments

We will continue to support anyone wishing to wear a face mask during their visit, and will have masks available for you at our hospital entrances, wards and departments.

We would ask that you regularly use the alcohol hand gel available at our hospitals, and wash your hands with soap and water when you get the opportunity to do so.

You are no longer required to take a lateral flow test before visiting our healthcare settings.

You should not visit if you have COVID-19 symptoms.

You should not visit us if you are unwell as this could put the person you are visiting at risk.  Passing your illness, whether it is COVID-19 or another respiratory disease, onto your loved ones and other patients could cause them to become seriously ill and slow their recovery.

Thank you for your support and by helping us keep our hospitals and communities safe.

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Team @ AberdareOnline

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