
Cwm Taf Morgannwg launches Menopause@CTM for staff on World Menopause Day

On World Menopause Day (October 18), Cwm Taf Morgannwg (CTM) University Health Board is delighted to be launching a new Menopause support service for staff, to have a better understanding of menopause and how it affects relationships and families. This service is open to both men and women.

Menopause@CTM will launch next week to support anyone currently experiencing the Menopause, or preparing themselves for it across the CTM workforce.

Dedicated support will involve an online programme of events (via MS Teams initially), including a question and answer session with Consultants in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr Helen Bayliss and Dr Nadia Hikary-Bhal who will signpost to the support available, including what’s available from a holistic approach.

Georgina Galletly, Director of Corporate Governance who is supporting this work said: “The launch of Menopause@CTM is a significant milestone for our Health Board, taking into consideration the impact that the Menopause can potentially have on so many women. It is important to us at CTM that we are offering the best wellbeing support possible to our colleagues and their families, and that means ensuring we are connecting to our workforce through their personal lived experiences.

“As a result of today’s launch, we now have dedicated resources in place to support staff, as well as consultant expertise, support groups and virtual Menopause Cafes (that we will be running from early November), all of which will supporting colleagues’ wellbeing enormously.

“Cwm Taf Morgannwg has applied to become a recognised Menopause Friendly Employer, a true testament to our firm commitment to supporting our staff through this significant life experience. I am honoured to be executive lead for our CTM Menopause Group and look forward to being closely involved in this work going forward.”

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Helen Bayliss said: “This service will encourage us all to openly discuss menopause and by doing so help to dismiss the stigma and embarrassment felt by both men and women in the workplace. Such a policy serves as a benchmark for other organisations in providing a culture in which staff wellbeing is recognised as an essential foundation for patient care.”

For more information on the resources available or the programme for 18 October visit the front page of sharepoint or contact [email protected]

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