Staffing Issues mean the Minor Injuries Unit at Ysbyty Cwm Cynon will be temporarily closed from today (September 8th) until further notice.

Is this not a good time to close the Minor Injuries Unit at Mountain Ash with all the traffic delays on the A465 Heads of the Valleys Road?


If you have a minor injury that needs urgent treatment and you would normally go to Ysbyty Cwm Cynon, you should instead go to the A&E department at your nearest hospital – for most people, this will be Prince Charles Hospital.

The temporary closure is due to short term staffing issues which we anticipate will be rapidly resolved. 

We will let you know as soon as the unit reopens. Thanks for your understanding.

As usual, we would ask you to attend A&E or minor injuries only when necessary. If it’s not urgent, you can use the NHS 111 symptom checker to get the care you need quicker:

Board Meeting

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board will be held on Thursday, 30 September 2021 at 10:00 am.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board is committed to openness and transparency, and conducts as much of its business as possible in a session that members of the public are normally welcome to attend and observe. However, in light of the current advice and guidance in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19) we made the decision in March 2020 in the best interests of protecting the public, our staff and Board members to no longer convene or gather in groups for meetings. We have since been holding our Board meetings virtually via ‘Teams’, publishing our papers in advance and providing a Board briefing within hours of the meeting to keep the public informed of the issues being covered.

We are pleased to advise that we are broadcasting our Board meeting on the 30 September, 2021 to provide the opportunity for anyone with internet access to observe in real time. The link to the meeting is included below and will also be shared on our social media channels: Live Link Event

As attendees you will be able to observe the meeting in Microsoft Teams—desktop (Windows or Mac), web, or mobile. If you do not have Microsoft Teams, you can also use a browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge). Please note Safari is not currently supported. Board papers are available here

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