Shadow Education Minister says students and teachers must have certainty and clarity over assessments

The Shadow Education Minister – Suzy Davies MS – has said that each day that passes shortens the odds for externally set and marked assessments for students in Wales, and will do little to allay students’ fears over inaccurate or unfair assessments.

Mrs Davies said:

“Simply relying on teachers’ grades remains problematic for the same reason as last year: they offer no protection against accusations against grade inflation or unconscious bias, however unfair those accusations may be.”

The Shadow Education Minister added:

“If teachers are going to be expected to pick up this burden now, I would be looking to WJEC to make it clear how they will be expected to grade in a way which is consistent across Wales. Support for teachers in terms of clarity and good for public confidence in terms of expectation and consistency.

“The immediate demand though, is for certainty. The disruption to education already this year, on top of lost teaching last year, is already causing real anxiety. Make it clear now what teachers are expected to do and what young people are expected to achieve, and make sure it’s workable.”

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