Accessing health care over Christmas

If you have any health concerns over the Christmas period, your local healthcare team are here to help you.  Patients are urged to think carefully about which service is right for their needs and access the healthcare appropriate for them.


If you have a minor illness or ailment your local pharmacist may be able to help. Opening times for Pharmacies in our area are available on our website here:


If you have tooth ache or mouth pain, dentists will be open on regular working days but services may be subject to reduced hours. Emergency arrangements will be in place where practices are closed – please contact your regular dentist to access urgent treatment.

If you do not have a regular dentist and need treatment please contact our emergency lines. Patients living in RCT and Merthyr Tydfil should call 01443 680168/ 01443 680166 and patients in Bridgend can call 111 to access emergency dental treatment.

Dental practices will be closed on weekends and bank holidays. If you need urgent treatment at this time please contact our out of hours service on 0300 123 5060 if you live in RCT or Merthyr Tydfil areas or 111 if you live in the Bridgend area.


Your local opticians can help with eye issues. Please check with them directly for information about opening times. If you require an urgent appointment over the Christmas period, your local opticians who will be able to provide information on services.

GP Practices

GP practices are open as usual on Thursday 24th December. Individual practices can advise patients on their opening times over the Christmas period. The majority of practices will be closed over bank holiday and weekends, including 25th-28th December and 1st January. A small number of practices will be open all day on 28th December – please check your practice website or social media pages for details.

If you do need non-urgent medical advice and your GP surgery is closed, you can access e-Consult (via your practice website or social media sites), visit your community pharmacy or call 111, the new easy to remember shared number for NHS Direct Wales and the GP out-of-hours service or visit the website –

In an emergency dial 999

COVID Symptoms

If you have Covid-19 symptoms no matter how mild, please self-isolate and book a test. You can do this online at or by telephone by calling 119.

If you require urgent healthcare please advise of your symptoms when contacting us.

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