Campaign notes COVID-19 restrictions at Royal Glamorgan Hospital, welcomes assurance of long-term future of A&E

The Campaign to Save Royal Glamorgan Hospital A&E (SRGAE) has noted with concern that the incidence of COVID-19 at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital has spiked and that Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has introduced a raft of restrictions, including on the Accident & Emergency department.


The board said in a statement released late last night that the department will remain open for walk-in patients and patients who can be treated in ambulatory care (an area in the hospital’s A&E Department).


Len Arthur, Chair of SRGAE, says: “For us, as a campaign, saving lives comes first and we accept that this decision is based on a clinical judgement. We hope, for everyone’s sake, the Royal Glamorgan Hospital management and the Health Board manage to get the outbreak under control as soon as possible. 


“We note that the Royal Glamorgan A&E is still open for people to walk in to on a 24/7 basis. We are also pleased that the Health Board contacted us earlier today to reassure us that this temporary decision in no way undermines the policy agreed to maintain a 24/7 A&E at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital. We also note that in the latest report to the Board there have been further new doctor and consultant appointments to the department. As a campaign it will always be at the back of our mind that emergencies could result in the closure or downgrading at the Royal Glamorgan A&E and we will be closely monitoring the situation over the coming weeks.”


Vice-chair Diane Blackmore says: “We are monitoring the situation and will resist any closures or change of use becoming permanent.”


At its meeting this week, Health Board Chair Marcus Longley reiterated the commitment of the Board to maintaining the accident and emergency service at the Royal Glamorgan. That is its agreed policy.

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