Action must be taken to avoid a tsunami of cancer deaths

Andrew RT Davies – the Shadow Minister for Health, Social Services and Sport – has warned of a potential “tsunami of cancer deaths” – unless action is taken now to encourage people to seek treatment if they suspect they have any signs of cancer or other potentially life-threatening conditions.

Welsh Conservative Mr Davies made his call as it was announced that deaths from cancer in June outnumbered those from Covid by a ratio of more than four to one (563 to 131).

Mr Davies said:

“People have understandably been reluctant to visit hospitals because of the pandemic, but there has been concern now for months that Wales will face a tsunami of excess deaths from cancer, heart disease, and other diagnosable and treatable conditions.

“We are leaving lockdown, and it’s vital that the Health Minister launches a public information campaign to encourage people to check themselves for signs of cancer or heart disease, and to reassure people that they must seek treatment if they have any concerns.

“The backlog of diagnoses and commencement of treatments must also be tackled as a priority. 

“Wales battling through Covid only to see an avoidable rise in in deaths from people not surviving cancer because it was either not diagnosed, or treatment didn’t start sufficiently fast enough, cannot be allowed to happen.”

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