Hirwaun Post Office finalist in ‘We’re Stronger Together’ awards for service during Covid-19 pandemic

  • Hirwaun Post Office finalist in Better for Customers category at the Post Office’s ‘We’re Stronger Together’ regional awards for Northern Ireland and Wales
  • Awards recognise efforts made by postmasters across the region to keep branches open during Covid-19 pandemic and serving their community

Hirwaun Post Office was a finalist in the Better for Customers category at the Post Office’s ‘We’re Stronger Together’ regional awards for the Northern Ireland and Wales region.

The awards recognise the efforts made by postmasters across the region to keep branches open during the Covid-19 pandemic and serving their local community.

The great work by Postmaster Tim Evans who runs Hirwaun Post Office was highlighted last night by Post Office Chief Executive Nick Read. Postmasters who operate branches in the Northern Ireland and Wales region had the opportunity to share their experience of running their branch during the pandemic and hear directly about the Post Office’s future growth strategy.

Post Office Area Manager Susan Morris, said:

“Our Hirwaun branch was nominated for the Better for Customers award for going the extra mile for vulnerable customers during the pandemic. Postmaster Tim has always been at the heart of the community, he always takes the time to sit down with customers and really get to know them, to understand what they really want and need. During the pandemic, a nearby branch closed, and Hirwaun gained more customers. To accommodate these extra customers they opened for longer hours and even some bank holidays.

“At the end of every long day, when the branch was closed, they spent extra time cleaning and disinfecting every surface, including the outside ATM to make sure it was safe for customers.” 

“Hirwaun Post Office really listen to their customers, and their adaptions to suit their customers during the pandemic are really a testament to this.”

Postmaster Tim Evans said:

“I stayed open to support my vulnerable and elderly customers who needed access to Post Office services on a daily basis.  Electricity and Gas top-ups are essential and I knew I had to provide those services. Fear of Covid 19 was very high initially, and still is, but with excellent Post Office support my staff and I had the tools to trade.”

Nick Read, Chief Executive at the Post Office, said:

“I have heard many inspiring stories of postmasters going the extra mile and I have welcomed the opportunity to hear first-hand how postmasters in Northern Ireland and Wales have fared during the pandemic including Hirwaun. All retailers have been affected and Post Office was no exception. The next few weeks and months will be a critical period as we try and return to a sense of normality. Post Office branches have a vital role to play in supporting their customers and communities, as well as helping small businesses and independent retailers get back on their feet.”

Postmasters heard more about three areas of their business that could help them recover some of the lost trade as a result of the pandemic – Mails and Parcels, banking – cash withdrawals and deposits, and the return in demand for foreign exchange.

  • Many people rely on easy access to cash. To spend that cash, businesses need to continue to accept it, and be able to conveniently deposit it into their business bank accounts. That ‘cash cycle’ will play a vital part in our economic recovery from Covid-19. Post Office branches are often the last counter in town where businesses can deposit a day’s takings. Business deposits are growing between 10 – 20% week on week
  • For small businesses, being able to get goods out to customers is key. Post Office’s ‘Drop and Go’ parcel service has seen a 70% increase in use month on month.
  • Last month, Post Office reactivated its online foreign exchange service and its branch pre-order operation. Customers planning trips abroad can order over 60 currencies online for next day home delivery or collection from all 11,500 Post Office branches. The option to collect in-branch helps increase footfall at our branches and on the UK’s High Streets.
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