RCT Residents Urged to Not Waste Their Waste
Thank you to RCT residents who are recycling more than ever during these unprecedented times – we are continuing to collect tonnes of recycling every week and the Council’s Streetcare team are going above and beyond to ensure that collections continue.
The Council now needs your help to ensure that we keep recycling to the same standards that we always have – many residents are having a clear out and may find a few items that they need to get rid of. BUT, if it’s not recyclable at the kerbside then please keep these items until the Community Recycling Centres can re-open.
There is a handy, searchable A-Z guide available at www.rctcbc.gov.uk/RecyclingSearch which tells you where to place items and a list is also featured on the front of recycling bags.
As a rule of thumb, empty food cartons (e.g. milk bottles, yogurt pots, tins, cans, wine bottles, glass jars etc.) can all be washed and put in to CLEAR recycling bags. The Council DOES NOT accept textiles, clothes, plastic toys, paint pots, shoes, small electrical items, wood, plasterboard pieces, wall paper, paintbrushes, gardening items, soil, rubble, etc. at the kerbside – these items should be placed to one side until it is safe to re-open the Community Recycling Centres.
The Council understands that this is a difficult time for everyone and is doing it’s utmost to maintain kerbside collections and has recently reinstated its bulky collection service to help residents as much as it can – you can book a bulky collection online.
The Council continues to maintain its zero-tolerance stance on fly-tipping, and any instances will not be tolerated in any form – as two residents discovered last week – we will take enforcement action and you will face a minimum £400 fine.
Once again a huge thank you must go to our residents for continuing to recycle during this time. Keep up the good work – your help is much appreciated.