Residents want to know when theThe Public Right of Way across the Grade 2 listed Tram Bridge in Robertstown Aberdare will reopen

The Public Right of Way across the Grade 2 listed Tram Bridge, Robertstown has been closed for months, residents have been complaining about the delay in reopening the bridge as the PROW is a safe method of crossing the busy A4059 at this point.

Perhaps Rhondda Cynon Taf Council will provide a date when residents can expect the PROW to be reopened



Jason Bragg

Public Rights of Way Officer

Rhondda Cynon Taf Council


23 April 2019


Dear Mr Bragg


Ref: Public Right of Way over Grade 2 listed Tram Bridge, Robertstown Aberdare


Please, can you provide a date when the Public Right of Way now closed over the above Tram Bridge will be open again?



A Response from Jason Bragg Public Rights of Way officer for Rhondda Cynon Taf Council 2 May 2019


The Council is aware of the historical importance of this Grade-II listed structure. The bridge has been identified as having scour damage and significant structural steelwork defects. A full closure of the Public Right of Way remains in place with security fencing erected in the interests of public safety. The Council recently met with consulting engineers and specialist contractors to agree the scope of the necessary repair works. As the bridge is grade listed the remedial works will require the consent of CADW. The Council hope to meet with CADW in the near future to discuss these proposed remedial works.






Response from Louise Mees Cadw Regional Inspector of Ancient Monuments and Archaeology (South West Wales)

Historic Environment Branch | Cangen Amgylchedd Hanesyddol 1 May 2019


Thank you for your email regarding the Iron Trambridge, Robertstown, scheduled monument number GM347.


Cadw officers visited the Iron Trambridge on 5th June 2018 with representatives of Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to inspect the structure and consider conservation works.  The bridge was in a seriously poor condition and actively deteriorating.  Issues discussed during the site visit included lost and displaced masonry from the abutments, cracked ironwork, vegetation growing on the structure, undermining of the structure caused by erosion (associated with river bed erosion at this location) and potential impacts of the storm drain.


Cadw subsequently provided a written vegetation management plan for the structure.


Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC undertook emergency stabilisation works over three days between 25th July and 31st August 2018.  This work was carried out with Class 5 Consent, which allows for works urgently necessary in the interests of safety or health, if:

a)    The works are limited to the minimum measures immediately necessary; and

b)    Notice in writing justifying in detail the need for the works is given to Cadw as soon as reasonably practicable.


Full specification for the work was provided by RCTCBC and approved by Cadw.  An archaeological watching brief was carried out during the work, and subsequently reported on, by the Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust.  Whilst a team was on site the opportunity was taken to recover stone which had fallen from the bridge into the river, so that it can be used in subsequent repairs.  This work was also overseen by archaeologists.


We do not have legal powers to enforce remedial works to scheduled monuments.  We work closely with owners and occupiers of monuments to provide advice and guidance regarding management and conservation measures.  RCTCBC proposed to contact the contractor involved in work on Ironbridge, Shropshire, and work in partnership with them to develop a conservation plan for the Iron Tram Bridge.  Such works require permission (scheduled monument consent) from Cadw in advance of the work being undertaken.


Thank you for raising concern about the condition of the bridge.  I have contacted RCTCBC to establish if conservation proposals have been developed and if an application for SMC will be forthcoming.

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