Council Backs Operation Bang
With celebrations for Halloween and Bonfire Night upon us, the Council is once again joining forces with partners to promote Operation Bang, helping to ensure a safe and enjoyable time for everyone.
Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated during Operation Bang. Local shops are also being urged not to sell flour or eggs to unaccompanied children at this particular time.
Council spoksperson said: “Many vulnerable members of our communities can find this time of year difficult and frightening, and we’re asking those celebrating Halloween and Bonfire Night to be mindful of this.
“What’s fun for some is not fun for everyone. We will be working with our partners at South Wales Police and South Wales Fire and Rescue, urging our residents to be considerate and respectful to all members of the community.”
As part of Operation Bang, new posters and flyers have been produced, including a ‘No Caller Please’ poster asking ‘Trick or Treaters’ to move on. There are being distributed by Local Policing Teams and are also available to download here
Anyone who has concerns about Halloween or Bonfire Night is encouraged to contact their Local Policing Team. To report any incidents call 101 and always ring 999 in an emergency.
Tips for a safe Halloween night:
- Children should always be accompanied by an adult when trick or treating
- Only go to houses of people that you know and who are happy for you to call. Please respect residents who choose not to take part
- Keep to places that you know and are well-lit
- Watch out for traffic – drivers might not see you
- Carry a torch and a fully charged mobile phone (if you have one)
Tips for a safe Bonfire Night:
- Pet owners are encouraged to keep their pets indoors at this time
- An organised display is the safest way to enjoy fireworks
- If you are organising your own display, keep bonfires small and manageable. Build them away from houses, garages, sheds, fences, overhead cables, trees, bushes and vehicles
- Avoid drinking alcohol whilst in charge of a bonfire or fireworks and particularly when supervising children
- Only children over the age of five should use sparklers. They must be supervised by an adult at all times
- It is an offence to sell or give fireworks to anyone under the age of 18. You can be fined or imprisoned for buying or using fireworks illegally
- It is also an offence to set off fireworks in a public place