
Congratulations to our Council road advisors, Mountain Ash has the most dangerous road system in the country.

I’d like to congratulate our council road advisors/designers by giving Mountain Ash the most dangerous road system in the country.


I cannot believe the stupidity (that word can be amended if you wish, but I think appropriate), to make 2 lanes passing Newtown, leading people to use it as a race track.


I stay on the inner lane, doing 30mph, but on numerous…numerous occasions, because now there is an overtaking lane, the people are going on the outside lane doing 50mph or more on to a blind corner for people coming out of Newtown is incredible.


A child was knocked down and killed right on this road, did anyone know that, did they check the history?


And..to add insult to injury, the mobile speed camera is set up outside the Populars, on a long stretch, hoping to catch people in a single lane of traffic doing 32, 33mph. Put it by the corner in Newtown, you’d make a fortune..


This added to the death trap of a zebra crossing by the old town hall on Mount bridge, I think we now have the most dangerous road system in the country.


Why doesn’t the road councillor stand up and say:-


It was me, I made a mistake


I’m going to correct this mistake


Wait, did I just see a low flying pig….


AberdareOnline, go down on the corner by Newtown and watch for 30 minutes, that is all it will take, and watch it all unfold.




Chris Bowden

We can only endorse what Chris has said having been caught in a few near misses when passing through this junction it is a bad design but no one is taking responsibility for it.

If you have any comments you can email info@aberdareonline.co.uk   


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