South Wales Firefighters now recruiting On-Call Firefighters
In South Wales, On-Call Firefighters make up approximately one third of our operational workforce and are generally located in rural communities, small towns and villages.
Like the Wholetime Duty System role, On-Call Firefighters respond to fires and Special Service Calls e.g. road traffic collisions, chemical emergencies, flooding and other natural disasters. They are also required to inform and educate their local communities and carry out Safe and Well visits in people’s homes.
On-Call Firefighters work a Retained Duty System and must live or work in the local community and are from all walks of life. They are builders, consultants, stay-at-home parents, administrators, factory workers, care workers, students or people not currently employed. They are people who are able to give their time to assist the Fire and Rescue Service in return for a salary.
Every On-Call Firefighter carries an ‘alerter’ at all times whilst on duty, so they can respond to their Station when required, within a set time of a call. They can respond from their home during leisure time or, in some cases, from their place of work if their employer permits.
We ask all On-Call Firefighters to commit to providing a specified number of hours of cover and to attend an evening training session each week (known as drill night).
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service welcomes applicants from all backgrounds and details of all recruitment campaigns will be advertised on this page.
We are currently recruiting for On-Call Firefighters at the following stations