Christmas Refuse and Recycling Dates

We Wish you a greener Christmas and a waste free New Year!

With all the parties, fun, food, excitement and gifts come lots of packaging and extra waste. Rhondda Cynon Taf Council is asking its residents to enjoy a greener Christmas and recycle all their unavoidable food waste (turkey bones, plate scrapings etc), extra plastic bottles, pots, wrapping paper, Christmas cards, real Christmas trees, tubs and trays, metal cans, glass bottles, jars, cardboard packaging, batteries and lots more, during the holiday season.

From recycling/refuse collections and real Christmas tree recycling to festive facts and tips – The Choice is CLEAR this Christmas and RCT Council has got recycling all wrapped up!

The Choice is CLEAR, Everyone needs to RECYCLE campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of recycling and making the CLEAR choice when choosing your bag of waste – CLEAR for recycling, as well as highlighting the service changes that took place in June.  The campaign is supported heavily by social media activities – sign-posting residents to more information and giving out facts and tips about recycling in RCT all year round.

Of course, the easiest items to recycle at Christmas are all the plastic and paper/cardboard packaging that you’ll come across during the festive period. So after the presents are unwrapped and you’re wondering how to clear away the mountain of boxes, paper bags and wrapping paper – simply pick up your clear recycling bag and fill it up. But please remember to put ALL wrapping paper into a separate CLEAR bag, including foil or glitter wrapping paper. Also, flatten any cardboard boxes and paper bags to make space in your recycling.

To free up even more space you can also visit one of the local community recycling centres to dispose of your non-kerbside items such as clothes, old toys and electrical items.  Our centres are open from 8am until 5.30pm every day except for a 3.30pm closure on 24th and 31st December and complete closure on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.

Visit for full details and locations.


"The festive period means extra waste and it’s a great time to think green and recycle all the additional packaging, wrapping paper, cards and batteries. Everyone needs to recycle – and not just at Christmas.

“Rhondda Cynon Taf Council continues to support people and is encouraging residents to keep up the good work all year around. The Council provides an accessible and innovative recycling service, complemented by ongoing public education and awareness-raising.

“The support of our householders towards our food waste kerbside recycling has been amazing so far, and this is thanks to our residents all doing their bit.

"The great news is that 3 out of 4 RCT residents support a green future and recycle. Since changes to waste collections were introduced in June, the good news is, that recycling rates are already seeing a slight increase and more and more people are now recycling – with almost 3000 new requests to sign up for food waste and nappy recycling since June!"

“Keep up the great work and let's make 2019 a waste free new year.”

Changes to collections over the Festive Period:

ALL collections (inc nappy recycling) taking place between Tuesday 25th December and Friday 28th December will all skip two days – so if your collection day is normally on a Tuesday it will move to Thursday and so on. Collections taking place between Tuesday 1st January 2019 and Friday 4th January 2019 will all skip one day – so if your normal collection is on a Tuesday, this will move to Wednesday (subject to capacity) – see below table.

 Normal collections are scheduled to resume on Monday 7th January 2019.

 All refuse and recycling should be placed at its normal collection point by 7am on the revised collection days below –

Normal Collection Day

 Revised Collection Day

Monday 24th December

No Change

 Tuesday 25th December

Thursday 27th December

 Wednesday 26th December

Friday 28th December

 Thursday 27th December

Saturday 29th December

 Friday 28th December

Sunday 30th December

 Monday 31st December

No Change

Tuesday 1st January

Wednesday 2nd January

Wednesday 2nd January

Thursday 3rd January

Thursday 3rd January

Friday 4th January

Friday 4th January

Saturday 5th January

Monday 7th January

Normal Services Resume

Other services such as bulky waste collections and wheelie bin/food waste bin deliveries will be suspended from Saturday 22nd December to allow us to use as many resources as possible to collect the anticipated record amounts of recycling this Christmas. Normal services will resume from Monday 7th January.

Real Christmas Tree Collections and Green Waste: 

From 10th December residents will be able to book in their 'real' Christmas trees for kerbside collection between 31st December until 11th January. Residents must book their 'real' Christmas tree collections online at least 24 hours before their revised collection day – as they won't be automatically collected.

The fortnightly green waste collection service (including 'real' Christmas trees not booked for a collection) will be suspended from Saturday 22nd December with normal services resuming on Monday 14th January.  Your green waste however including Christmas trees can still be taken to your local CRC throughout the festive period.

Please remember to place ALL refuse and recycling out before 7am on your collection day and not before as this can lead to spillages and difficulties for pedestrians using the pavement.

If we have not collected your refuse/recycling as planned, please leave it at the kerbside as we may be working additional hours to clear a back log and we’ll get to you as soon as we can – our crews can work well in to the evening during busy periods and extra staff can sometimes be called in to clear the items the next day. 

Residents are advised to visit one of the many collection points across Rhondda Cynon Taf before the festive period and stock up on recycling bags or order bags in advance online at

The Streetcare Team would also like to remind residents to park sensibly, so that they can get the recycling truck down your street.

For more information and tips on recycling your Christmas waste follow us on Facebook or Twitter or visit

Posted on Thursday 6th December 2018
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