When something unexpected happens to me” Developing a policy framework for unscheduled care

Welsh Government is working on developing a policy framework for unscheduled care – in other words, “what does good look like” for people who have an unexpected need for advice, care or treatment.

This is being development in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders – including patients, third sector organisations, and other statutory bodies. This policy framework will be made up of two outputs: a summary “what good looks like” document for general circulation including to the public, and a detailed technical document to inform planning by the local health boards and Trusts.

Welsh Government would really like to hear your views – please have your say by filling in the below survey!

English – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SL9FPRB
Welsh – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QQQWWND

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