Diverse Cymru at the Wales International Documentary Festival 2018 Blackwood Miners’ Institute 1pm – 4pm, Thursday 19th April.

Diverse Cymru are pleased to announce that we will be part of this year’s Wales International Documentary Festival.

As part of our contribution to the festival, we will give individuals from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to meet organisations from within the creative industries, and provide advice on where the industry advertises and promotes its employment and training opportunities.

This will include information on the new Diverse Cymru Film and TV Bursary*, supported by Creative Skillset. This bursary will offer small amounts of funding, support and mentoring in Wales for people from diverse groups who already have some experience in the industry, and wish to further develop their skills and knowledge.

During the afternoon there will be opportunities to mingle and get information on current opportunities available within film and TV in Wales. There will also be advice on where the industry advertises and promotes its opportunities. 

Please note that we will now NOT be showing the ‘My Wales’ Film as planned, this will be at a later date.

This is a free event and we would appreciate it if you could confirm your attendance by email to[email protected] or call 029 2036 8888.

Wales International Documentary Festival

Wales International Documentary Festival invites you to watch the best documentary films of the year. The programme from 18th to 20th April includes masterclasses and networking events with industry experts and takes places in Blackwood. There's an exciting line up of films from all over the world in this year's festival and events, parties and gigs to complement the screenings. This includes a preview screening of Welsh feature, "My Grandfather The Spy" and landmark historical documentary "The Dragon Has Two Tongues" with Q&A with director Colin Thomas.

For more information on the festival and for tickets, please visit: http://www.widf.info/

*The Diverse Cymru Film & TV Bursary supported by Creative Skillset will offer small amounts of funding, support and mentoring in Wales for people from diverse groups who already have some experience in film or television, and wish to further develop their skills and knowledge.

Individuals with experience in the industry will be invited to apply for funding support that will enable them to train and further develop their skills.

Funding can be used by successful applicants to fund or part-fund a short training course, may be used by individuals to access training opportunities and can be utilised by people to overcome travel or other barriers to opportunities.

In addition to providing funding in support of training opportunities, people will be given career advice and support from within the industry including invitations to industry events and networking opportunities, updates on free training available and job and other career opportunities. 

Note : This is an additional fund for Wales running alongside Creative Skillset’s high-end TV  bursary fund which supports individuals working in the industry as freelancers to help them progress within high-end drama.


Michael Flynn


Diverse Cymru Projects Advisor

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