Stroke Association disappointed at Caerphilly Council’s decision to cut funding
Caerphilly County Borough Council yesterday decided not to continue funding the area’s stroke recovery service. The Stroke Association, which runs the service, has expressed disappointment at the decision.
The service supports survivors across the county who are adjusting to life in the early weeks and months after a stroke. The council’s cabinet yesterday unanimously supported a report which recommends decommissioning the £18,000 a year service in 2018-19. This follows a consultation period where a number of residents voiced their opposition to the cut.
The Stroke Association has since had confirmation that Aneurin Bevan University Health Board will continue to fund the stroke recovery service in Gwent in 2018-19. This means that the service in Caerphilly will carry on for another 12 months. Caerphilly council’s cabinet has also committed to meet with the health board to discuss the future of this and other contracts in the area.
Speaking from the charity’s Wales headquarters in Caerphilly town centre, Ross Evans, interim-Director of the Stroke Association in Wales, said:
"We are very disappointed with the council’s decision not to continue funding the stroke recovery service. The number of people who took part in our campaign against the cuts showed the value of this vital service to survivors and their families. Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability and the help we offer is key to stopping people’s needs from getting worse and creating more demands on public services.
"However, it’s great news that the health board have committed to fund our service across Gwent for the next year. This means that over the next 12 months, we can still be there for stroke survivors in Caerphilly who so badly need our help.
"Our thanks go to everyone who supported our campaign. We also welcome the cabinet’s commitment to meet with the health board to discuss the long-term sustainability of services like