Calling all young deaf volunteers in Wales

If you're deaf, aged 14-25 and live in Wales with any experience of volunteering we'd like to speak to you. We want to learn about your experiences for a series of short videos we're creating.


Gearing Up Project funded by Big Lottery Wales


Deaf young people in Wales are giving their time to volunteer within their communities and we want to shout about it!


If you are yourself or you know of a deaf young person aged 14-25 who has experience of doing any kind of volunteer work we'd love to hear about it. Our Gearing Up Project is planning a series of events and activities across Wales celebrating the amazing social action and volunteering work that deaf young people have been doing.


We'd like to interview you for some short video clips that we're making in order to share the experiences of deaf young people in all kinds of volunteering roles.


So please get in touch if you'd like to be involved.


Contact: [email protected]

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Team @ AberdareOnline

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