Auditor General for Wales Value for Money Study on the Well-being of Young People
The Wales Audit Office is conducting a study on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales on the well-being of young people. Our work will look at the Welsh Government’s strategic planning of services for young people aged 16-25. We will ask ‘what are the key lessons to learn from the Welsh Government’s efforts to develop an integrated approach to improving well-being for young people?’ We will look beyond traditional ‘youth services’ to see how coordinated the Welsh Government’s approach to supporting young people is, across each area of government.
What do we want from you?
A key part of our work includes gathering information on how young people experience public services. We are running a Facebook campaign in February and March to collect young people’s views but we also want to hear from organisations working with young people. You have valuable insight into how the Welsh Government’s strategic approach affects young people in their daily lives. Your organisation may work directly with young people or work with young people as part of the wider population. We are asking if you have any stories you can tell on behalf of the young people you work with. We are looking for a few paragraphs that paint a picture of how young people experience the services they use. We want to know:
- Are young people getting appropriate support to access public services?
- How well do different services designed to support young people work together?
- Are there instances where services for young people overlap, or areas where young people can fall through gaps in provision?
We want to hear about the good things and the things that might not work as well. We will use the information to identify improvements for the Welsh Government to improve young people’s experiences of public services. We may publish this information in our final report so please do not send us any information that identifies individuals, or discloses anything of a sensitive nature. All information we publish will be anonymous.
You can access our Facebook campaign from 12th February 2018 at
We are also interested in hearing your views as an organisation on the Welsh Government’s strategic approach to improving the well-being of young people:
- What barriers does your organisation face in improving the wellbeing of young people?
- Has the Welsh Government been clear about how it intends to improve the well-being of young people?
- Is the Welsh Government focusing on the things that matter or make the most difference to young people?
How do we want the information?
We would be happy to accept your response in writing in the first instance by 28th February. We may telephone you at a later date to follow up on the information you give us. Please send your response directly to me at the Wales Audit Office by email [email protected] or telephone me on 02920 320683 if you wish to discuss the study in more detail. While we may draw on your feedback to inform our final report, please be assured that any direct references to your organisation would be cleared with you for factual accuracy in advance of publication.