The inspectorate care in Wales is updating its name to ‘Care Inspectorate Wales’
The regulator and inspectorate care in Wales, Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW), changed its name to the Care Inspectorate Wales (SSD).
This simplification reflects the modern face of the Inspectorate in Wales and has been discussed with staff and stakeholders.
Not affected by the change of registration of care providers to name any paperwork or documents with CSSIW they will continue to be valid.
The inspectorate will update its forms and guidance to include the new name over the next few weeks.
Shall not previously be issued documents such as inspection reports are changed and will keep the brand CSSIW.
Last year, the Chief Inspector, Gillian Baranski, ADSS Conference of the inspectorate would change its name to the Care Inspectorate.
A telephone number of the inspectorate remains the same at 0300 7900 126, and all of its email addresses will continue to work. However, you can now contact them via the following email address [email protected]
The website and social media channels have been updated to reflect its new name. You can now contact the inspectorate or www.careinspectorate .wales, following the inspectorate on Twitter @care_walesin English or @arolygu_gofal in Welsh, or on Facebook at or careinspectoratewales
CSSIW web address will continue to work, but will direct users to the new site.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]