Children’s Third Sector involvement in the development of National Protection Procedures
Children in Wales are working in partnership with the Welsh Government to support the review and development of All-Wales practice guides which will be used in conjunction with the forthcoming National Protection Procedures.
The review and development of the practice guides will be undertaken through a phased approach beginning in January 2018. A number of multi-agency Task and Finish Groups will be established and will include representation from across the sectors, with members determined by their areas of interest and expertise.
Children in Wales, through our representation function, have agreed to disseminate relevant information and take comments from interested children’s third sector organisations on working drafts of the documents as they are developed. Comments will be shared with the relevant Task and Finish Group for consideration as part of the review and development process.
At this stage, we are seeking expressions of interest in being involved and informing this work as it develops.
If you have an interest in the procedures, please can you indicate this by completing the template here.
We are seeking responses by Monday 15th January 2018
Please send your expressions of interests to – [email protected]
Copies of the current All Wales protocols and practice guides for children in specific circumstances can be accessed here –