An alleged cover-up theft at Rhondda Cynon Taf Council

Below is an abridged version of an email sent to AberdareOnline; a story of alleged cover-ups, theft and more by officers, managers and director at Rhondda Cynon Taf Council.


This is an abridged version the original email provides full details and names of the officers, managers and director. But why did senior management cover up this alleged crime and why have the police not investigated it?


“Let me take you back a few years, a year that changed the Road Safety Unit of Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council.


As the festive period approached, the staff of a unit at Rhondda Cynon Taf Council decided to chip in their wages towards a night out. The money collected was kept in a safe along with tea fund money collected over the past year.


These funds were saved up for a number of weeks to produce around £400-£500. However, the safe was broken into and someone decided to steal the contents…”


It is alleged a former manager discovered this, the former manager decided to hide this crime from their peers.


“The Manager, who had previously fired an employee at Rhondda Cynon Taf Council for no apparent reason (although, there was a little tension between the pair after the manager took advantage of the 20-year-old while he was drunk at the pub in Pontypridd the 20-year-old had decided to inform the other staff members.”


It is alleged two former police officers with South Wales Police, agreed to assist manager to cover up the incident.


It is alleged the manager and the two former police officers sat down then informed two (former road safety officers) to inform them of their cash being taken.


It is alleged the five sat to discuss the issue, the manager insisted that the issue had to be kept quiet or positions will have to end and contracts terminated.


It is alleged all team members were told to pretend that it didn't happen but one of the former road safety officers informed a former senior road safety manager about the incident it is alleged and the manager found out.


Worried that the publicity would reveal the incident, the manager decided to take action by showing an example of their power, He/she allegedly terminated one former road safety officers contract just weeks later.


Around 6 months had past and the incident was briefly forgotten until the local authorities human resources department received an email from the sacked former road safety officer revealing the information.


It is alleged all members of the team (including some former staff members) were questioned about the theft, alleged misconduct and a serious an alleged sexual incident that took place during office hours.


An alleged investigation took place, with a report on the findings being given to a Director. Embarrassed to discover what staff members had been involved in, requested a private conversation with the manager.


It was decided that the theft be covered up once more and someone was to change position so in Sardis House.


In the coming weeks, former road safety officer had left the position within the unit to join the new department. A move that was planned secretly between two officers since the discovery of the theft.


Following the departure of the officer from the unit, it is alleged the manager discovered a hidden folder, believed to have been created by three members of staff whilst they were based at the unit. The folder was said to have contained detailed accounts of incidents at the unit. It is alleged the manager tried to make contact with the three individuals over the next few days with neither of them responding.


Frightened that they would soon lose their position, the manager voluntarily resigned from the position.


It is alleged these incidents have been covered up by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council ever since, to avoid bad publicity.


As we said we were supplied with all the names, departments and date of these alleged incidents, but for obvious reasons, we cannot publish them. Perhaps someone from Rhondda Cynon Taf Council would like to comment on all the alleged incidents? [email protected] or if any other person wishes to provide any more details of this or any other alleged irregularities they think should be made public.

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