
Council warned not to contract out safety of new buildings

Local authorities have been warned they must not ‘contract out’ the safety of new public buildings in a new report from MSPs.

An inquiry was launched after 17 schools were forced to close in Edinburgh following the collapse of a wall. The report, published by the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee, has concluded lessons must be learnt from the entire public sector to ensure new buildings are safe.

The committee found some local authorities had minimised their responsibilities for the safe design and construction of schools.

Committee Convener, James Dornan, said: ‘Professor Cole’s report provides a clear path to how we can improve and learn from these past mistakes. It is vital that every public body, university and college learn these lessons and ensure that our buildings are safe.

‘There needs to be a change in thinking in some local authorities. Responsibility for public safety must be taken seriously and it not something that can be contracted out.’

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