Call to explain full extent of services

GP leaders in Wales have welcomed a new report by a health watchdog which praises the work of practices.

JONES: 'GPs across Wales continue to strive for the best level of patient care'

(Healthcare Inspectorate Wales) annual report into GP services was positive overall, with practices working hard to provide safe and effective care to patients.

During their inspections, patients told HIW they valued the care they received from their GP practices and feedback from patient questionnaires was generally positive.

However, the watchdog said health boards and GPs need to do more to help patients understand how other services could help.

BMA Welsh GPs committee chair Charlotte Jones said: ‘GPC Wales welcomes the findings of the HIW report into general medical practices in Wales and the results come as no surprise.

‘GPs across Wales continue to strive for the best level of patient care, despite the immense pressures they are faced with on a daily basis. Despite these continuing challenges, we’re pleased to hear that patients value the care they receive from their GPs.

‘More work needs to be done to support practices in communicating the benefits of practices utilising other healthcare professionals, to alleviate the demand for GP appointments.

‘We are therefore fully supportive of any means to address this, including wider communications to patients. We welcome the recommendations outlined in the report, including safeguarding training, ensuring continuity of care for patients and enabling easy access to premises.’

HIW chief executive Kate Chamberlain said: ‘Our report shows that patients were generally happy with the care and treatment provided to them. The majority of practices, however, need to do more to explain how other services may be able to help patients.

‘It is important that all involved in general practice, including local health boards, learn from the findings of this report and focus attention on the areas for improvement.’


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